Welcome to the

Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials Group



2 PhD positions available in our group now

starting from September 2024 located 

at the Heidelberg University


  • Multiscale simulations of stimuli-responsive functional materials
  • Investigation of structural and dynamic properties of molecular switches and machines
  • Development and application of evolutionary algorithms, neural networks and machine learning for modeling, evaluation and visualization of dynamic phenomena

Please apply:




Our webpage is currently being updated.

Thank you for your patience!



Saeed successfully finished his habilitation. He obtained his venia legendi - at the interface of physics and chemistry.

Saeed will hold a "Vertretungsprofessur" at the TU Dortmund in the coming winter semester.



We are over the moon! Celebrating the very successful defence of Dr Elena Kolodzeiski! Extremely grateful for having you in the group over the past years! 

Elena´s Paper was just accepted in

Science Advances:

"Dynamic Network of Intermolecular Interactions in Metal-Organic Frameworks functionalized by Molecular Machines"

E. Kolodzeiski, S. Amirjalayer, Science Adv. 2022.

Elena´s Paper was just accepted in

J. Chem. Theory Comput.:

"On-the-Fly Training of Atomistic Potentials for Flexible and Mechanically Interlocked Molecules"

E. Kolodzeiski, S. Amirjalayer, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021,17, 7010.

Paper accepted: 

"Understanding the Molecular Origin of the Collective Movement in a Diarylethene-based Photo-Responsive Actuator" 


S. Amirjalyer, ChemPhysChem., 2021, 22, 1658.

Photonic Material:

The photo-induced structural evolution during the phase transformation of an azobenzene-based phase change material is captured at the atomic level. Interatomic potentials to describe the photodynamic behaviour of an ensemble of switching unit were efficiently parametrised by a novel population swapping Genetic Algorithm (psGA).

S. Amirjalyer, Adv. Theory Simul., 2021, 4, 2100017.

NEW Cover ARTs from 2020

Paper accepted and selected for the cover of the The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters: "Photoinduced Forward and Backward Pedalo-Type Motion of a Molecular Switch"

New insight into the dynamics of a photo-responsive molecular switch. In a cross border collaboration with Irene Conti, Marco Garavelli  (University of Bologna, Italy) and Wybren Jan Buma (University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) we performed hybrid (QM/MM) MD simulation to follow in detail the excited-state dynamics while taking the molecular environment into account. The azodicarboxamide - based molecular switch performs a "forward" and "backward" pedalo-type motion.

I. Conti, W. J. Buma, M. Garavelli*, S. Amirjalayer*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2020, 11, 4741. 


Highlighted on the WWU Homepage


Elena´s Paper was just accepted: Atomistic Insight into the Host-Guest Interaction of a Photo-Responsive Metal-Organic Framework


E. Kolodzeiski, S. Amirjalayer Chem. Eur. J. 2020,  26, 1263.

Just gave a talk at the 55th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - Spectroscopy and Photoinduced Dynamics in Rostock

Just gave a talk at the MechanoChemBio 2019 in Montreal

Paper accepted: Understanding the mechanocatalytic conversion of biomass: One‐step reaction mechanism by mechanical force

Elena and Saeed just gave a talk and a poster presentation at the Bunsentagung 2019 in Jena

Paper accepted: Light on the Structural Evolution of Photoresponsive Molecular Switches in Electronically Excited States

Understanding the light-induced dynamics in detailed is crucial to implement molecular switches in photo-responsive materials. In our just published Concept paper we highlight the potential of combining quantum mechanic calculations with time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy to follow the structural evolution at the atomistic level.

S. Amirjalayer*, W. J. Buma*, Chem. Eur. J., 2019, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201805810 ("Hot Paper").

Paper accepted: Band-like Transport in Small-Molecule Thin Films toward High Mobility and Ultrahigh Detectivity Phototransistor Arrays

Paper accepted: Elucidating the Binding Modes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes on a Gold Surface

In the just published JACS article we report our recent results on Carbenes @ gold surface. By combining theoretical and experimental methods we investigated the influence of alkyl chain length on the binding motif at the Au(111) surface.

A. Bakker, A. Timmer, E. Kolodzeiski, M. Freitag, H. Y. Gao, H. Mönig, S. Amirjalayer*, F. Glorius*, H. Fuchs*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 11889.

Paper accepted: Photo-induced Pedalo-type Motion in an Azodicarboxamide-based Molecular Switch

Our work on the light-triggered pedalo-motion in a molecular switch was just accepted in Angewandte Chemie. Together with colleagues from Netherlands (University of Amsterdam) and Spain (Universidad de Murcia) we combined picosecond infrared spectroscopy with quantum-mechanical calculations to follow the photodynamics in real-time. 

S. Amirjalayer*, A. Martinez-Cuezva, J. Berna, S. Woutersen*, W. J. Buma*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 1792 (OpenAccess).


Invited talk at the XV Physics Conference

Saeed just gave an overview of our current research activities in the area of hybrid materials at the conference in Quito. Thanks to the organisation team for the nice conference and the invitation.

We have a new member!

Elena Kolodzeiski just joined as a Phd student our group. She will work within the recently DFG-granted sino-german project. 

Welcome Elena!

Paper accepted: High-resolution gas-phase spectroscopy of a single-bond axle rotary motor

Our work on gas-phase spectroscopy of a rotary molecular motor together with the group of Ben Feringa (University of Groningen) was just published. The article is part of the special issue of Tetrahedron 'Dynamic Functional Molecular Systems' in honour of Ben Feringa (Nobel Prize 2016 and Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Chemistry 2016).

E. Maltseva, S. Amirjalayer, A. Cnossen, W. R. Browne, B. L. Feringa, W. J. Buma, Tetrahedron, 2017, 73, 4887.

Prof. Dr. Saeed Amirjalayer 

Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing

University of Heidelberg

Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials Group

Email: saeed.amirjalayer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de